Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Life I Left Behind- The Man in White

So I've finally finished my editing and formatting and submitted my story to Create Space for review.  I'm happy that this part is over and now if people wish to, they can read the story. 

The Life I Left Behind is the story of a woman who is recklessly pursued by a loving God; and in a way, it is the story of my life. The Man in white was always present in my life, reaching out to me when I ran from Him.  There were times in my life when I blatantly turned from Him but He has continued to love me.  Having a relationship with Him has been the best thing that ever happened in my life, and if you don’t know Him; He wants to have a relationship with you too!  He’s waiting and reaching out for you, just like he was with me.  Take His hand, I promise you won’t regret it. If you want more information on how to start a relationship with God look to this web page my pastor suggested: 


  1. All I can say...WOW!!! I don't normally read stories like this, but it seems you were writing about me (well...sort of..). I've heard people saying that they've read books that have "changed my life", and I never thought I'd b as fortunate to now count myself in their ranks, but I can now, after reading, "The Life I Left Behind". 5 STARS!!! and you said that your not a writer.....well, in that case, please, please "un-write" another!!!!! All I can say is.....Thank you....from the bottom of my heart.

  2. Thank you very much for your great review Jakesma1999!!! I am happy to know that people enjoy my writing and God can use me to write the stories He gives me. I am happy that you enjoyed it and want to thank you for encouraging me, but I think God wrote this story not me. I sat down at the computer to write a short story to share with my Young Writer's club. I didn't have a clue where the story was going when I started it. A year later I had this and I give the credit to Our Lord- (besides the typos and grammar mistakes- those were all mine) I'm just thankful that He allowed me to type it for Him. Thank you and may God bless you!
